Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Third Graders Gone Wild

As the title suggests, Friday night’s birthday fiesta was one wild party.  The kids had a great time.  Unfortunately, I have never really been that big on wild parties.  Now that I am closer to 40 then 30, they really bring the anxious, ninny out in me.  Add in to that the screams of children, and the responsibility of returning these children unharmed to their parents and you automatically add a giant dose of host anxiety. 

I did get to have the fun of decorating
I made the wild children use the back door
And stay in the playroom until dinner time

Did you see all of those streamers?  They stayed up for...hmmm...about 4 minutes.  Then they were torn down and rolled in.  Along with all of my handmade signs, and table clothes.  There was a lot of balloon wrestling and high pitched screaming.  Apparently, otherwise well behaved children with amazing parents and wonderful homes follow the same sociological rules as adults.  In large groups they feel anonymous.  So, my redirection and pleas for order did little to stop that tornado.  

All in all, they were nine years olds.  I think they had fun.  If not, they burnt off a lot of steam from the sitting in a desk at school during the day.  There was a lot of laughter.  A lot of story telling and joking. A lot of "I almost peed my pants" from one party goer. Amelia had a great time.  She didn't seem to mind the lack of order or that no one could sit still long enough to watch her to open gifts.  She was a little disappointed that the decorations were destroyed. I am glad to see that she has some of my blood after all.

How do your nerves do around big, wild groups of children?  Cool as a cucumber or hot tamale?


  1. Sounds like the typical 9 year old birthday party. My question is, where was John in all this? Apparently he escaped to the cabin (the coward). Maybe next year it should be a bowling party.

  2. John was there right along with me. He would have loved to have escapes - as would I.
