
After some reflection, I am shocked to learn that I am, indeed, a homemaker.  I have never much liked this term.  It calls to mind women in housecoats, rollers in hair, making casseroles and awaiting their husbands return from work.  Today, we homemakers are a new breed.  Gone are the days of the "stay at home mom" (another term I strongly dislike).   There will always be moments of boredom, frustration, loneliness, and chaos.  But, this life also brings great freedom and opportunity.  As educated and clever women, we can tap into our own talents, just as we encourage our children to do.  We too are filled with creativity, ingenuity and beauty.

I love my life as a homemaker.   I delight in all things that spark creativity.   In a world that looks for the finished project, I strive to celebrate the joy and excitement in the process.  My mission is to bring my love for hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and creating life with my children each day.  Sometimes this is in simple ways, at other times through organized efforts.  To my surprise, they are often my teachers .  

These pages are dedicated to women committing theirs lives and love to family and home.   Here, I write about my quest to seek everyday beauty, alone and with my children.  Join me as I share my love of music, creative arts, food, nature and play.  I hope you will share your inspirations and ideas here as well.