Wednesday, September 21, 2011

lemons to lemonade?

Yesterday morning my frustration about the teacher's strike finally set in.  I still support the teachers.  I still want a fair resolution that has the students best interests at heart.  I realize that this takes time.  But, living day to day not knowing how to plan our lives is getting stressful.  While I have the "luxury"(if you couldn't tell my quotes are dressed in angry sarcasm) of being home with my children during the day, I still reserve the right to be annoyed.  I wish that the powers that be would just cancel school for the month and be done with it.  Then, families could plan accordingly.  We could get community support for kids in need.  Parent could plan for childcare.

Needless to say, yesterday was a rough one.  I was awoken at dark thirty (again) by children who were still tired and had no right to be awake.  To make matters worse, they also woke up the puppy.  Guess who had to play with our frisky teether at 6AM?  Me!  Jack was too tired and Liam to weepy, moany and crabby.  The makings for a great day.  Oh, how I would have loved to have dropped all three of my children off for school today!  Unfortunately, only Liam's class had open doors.  After a few temper tantrums (both parent and child), I tired to make the best of the day.  Afterall, it was BEAUTIFUL. 

 So much for the rainy NW fall days I have been writing about.

After dropping Liam off at preschool, Jack, Amelia and I hit Tacoma boys to pick up some fall mums for the yard.  We also found some super yummy apples and pairs and pretty squash that made for a perfect edible center piece.  A little time in the garden plus a trip to Cafe Dei for a vegan treat and a game of Yahtzee turned things around.

Color makes me happy
The Circus
In efforts to train Dixie how to walk on lead, we all headed down to the UPS campus for a picnic lunch and to burn off some energy.  Since Dixie would NOT walk on lead, I had to carry her most of the way.  While I don't mind having an excuse to hold my cuddly puppy, it was a little hectic.  The kids were all on bikes and we had Cali in the mix too.
boys on bikes
Dixie got lots of love from the campus girls

All in all it was an okay day.  Today I will try to manage to get some work done for my studio and fit in a fall craft with the kids.  Thank goodness for great baby sitters and soccer coaches.  I just may find a moment of quiet this afternoon.

How are you spending your days during our unscheduled break from school?


  1. I am so feeling your pain!! I know I should be enjoying the extra time with all three kids, but their squabbling has only intensified and it's driving me batty!! I do just try to remember that at least I have free childcare (me) that doesn't have to be arranged. Maybe tomorrow we'll have school...

  2. Corey,
    Have you been following the updates on the Tacoma k12 website. It looks hopeless. You are right, at least this isn't costing me anything (other then sanity). Plus, my kids can be pretty fun to hang out with when they aren't bickering.
