Thursday, September 15, 2011

Closet Make Over #1

It just occurred to me that I never posted my before and after shots of our family organization center.  Formerly a built in used for teacups and stemware, now my little closet is transformed into a information hub.



It still needs some work and sprucing.  I'd like to paint or paper the back wall.  But, that requires cash which is unavailable at the moment.  This project was done by re-purposing.  The only thing that I did purchase were the little clipboards.  I found them at ARTCO for a $1.99 a piece.  They will make it easy to change out  a simple decoration to reflect the season.

Remember the Apple Stamping?

I stole the bins on the middle shelves from our art center.  They had been used to house projects that the kids were “still working” on.  They were working on just about everything but my system.  I got sick of cleaning them out.  So, they are being reused for weekly school papers and ongoing school projects.

The lower shelf serves as our charging station.  With an old outlet strip in the closet, I can recharge phones, ipods, DSI’s and cameras behind closed doors.  It is great having all of the chargers in one place and my countertops free or cords and electronics.  

Not wanting to affix anything to the lovely wood, I am using tape to hang my meal calendar, soccer schedules, Sunday school calendar, shopping lists and art gifts from my children.  If you have a better solution for hanging, please tell me!

How do I look?

So Far my system is working well.  Of course, the kids haven’t had school all week due to the Tacoma teacher’s strike.  Still, I am happy with the turn out.

Do you have a system for organizing all of the paper that comes into your house?

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