Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Sometimes things just feel heavy.  As fall rolls on into birthdays, car pools, homework, housework, appointments, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and more it can feel as if there is never a moment to come up to breath.  Some weeks feel more hectic then others, some months downright claustrophobic.

I have been caught up in a whirlwind of bad luck in the time management department.  I can blame the teacher's strike, sickness, or unexpected responsibilities that have been tossed my way.  But, all in all this is just the way life behaves.  Pulling my hair out in frustration won't help.

Today, instead of adding tasks into my calendar as I normally would, I am taking a different approach.  I am calmly walking through my house and my calendar and taking notes.  What don't I need to do.  There are  many things that I can let go of.  It doesn't have to be forever, just for now.  My family will survive if I meals are simple and easily prepared.  My children don't need to go swimming this week.  I don't have to make it to the gym to get in a good workout.  I don't have to have a "good workout", a quick run, a yoga class or long walk with my dogs or family will be okay for a couple of weeks.  The garden can wait to be weeded another week.  There are a lot of things that can take a back seat and lift this weight.

What can you let go of in your life when things get heavy?


  1. This is great Melissa! A good reminder. You've inspired me to simplify. I've been feeling crazy lately too!

  2. I am having to do that by the fact that I've been sick. I have had to take a look at what absolutely has to be done and then what can wait a little bit.

  3. I have been waiting for things to ease up. They haven't. So, I'm on to my "don't do" list.

  4. I think the heaviness you describe so well is something we all feel. Sometimes its more weighty than others. If I can be pretentious for a moment, it is what Eastern religions would call grasping at samsara. It's helpful to sit down as you have and pull away thread by thread anything that, in the end, really does not count. And seeing what does. Of course, acting on that discovery is easier said than done.

  5. Much easier said then done. I guess the heaviness is a gift, in away. I would rather feel it now, so that I can start to pull away the threads. "grasping at samsara", I'll have to look into that.
