Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall is beautiful!

An Annual Fall Leaf jump at the UPS Campus

With such a mild (aka horribly rainy and cold) summer, no one here in western Washington seems to be all that excited about the onset of Fall.  It is easy to meet the change of season with dread.  We all put on our rain boots and brace ourselves for 8 months of cloudy skies and rain.  While I think that we are all entitled to feel as if our share of vitamin D was stolen from us, it need not overshadow the beauty that Fall brings.  There are many things that I stop doing in the summer.  The warm weather calls us outside to abandon some of our favorite year round activities.  Coming back home to them with fresh eyes and appreciation feels beautiful.

Here are some of the things that I love returning to in the Fall.

The new crispness in the air          
Washington apples  
Friday swim nights
Returning to the studio to teach Kindermusik
Saturday soccer games
New Fall fashions
Lazy Sundays snuggling at home
Afternoon tea           
Reading by the fire
Fall nature walks searching for beautiful leaves and chesnuts
Spending more time with friends as we get back into routines   
Weekends spent in Tacoma
Baking Fresh Bread
Fall Mums
Hot Apple Cider after school
Escaping the drizzle to sip perfectly crafted coffee on 6th Ave.
Night walks with flashlights

There are many more, but I won’t bore you.

What are your favorite things to return to in the Fall?


  1. I have to say that everything you listed (except the swimming and teaching Kindermusik)is what I love about Fall. This is my favorite time of year. If I were to add to the list I would include getting the yard ready for winter with major pruning and weeding. I also like when you take a walk and you smell the smoke from a fire place and your nose is a bit chilled.

  2. Funny, I was just out cleaning out our beds and thinking that gardening should have made the list. This is the first year that I am really on top of it and enjoying it. The ground is so rich and moist. It is nice to think back on all of the successes of the spring and summer garden.
    The smell of wood burning fires is pretty incredible too!
