My normal hyper scheduled life has been derailed. For the past month or more, unforeseen events and circumstances have preventing me from my happy little box of routine and balance predictability. At first, I thought it was a bump. Then a string of bad luck. Naturally, when things continued, I assumed I was cursed. Next, I was left angry. Now, I am curious. Is this the way I should have been living all along? Is this a nudge from divinity, an "ahem" from the universe? Was I never organized and sensible but freakishly neurotic and stubborn?
This morning, started off better then planned. The puppy was tired out from an active evening, Jack was happy and helped with breakfast, and Liam slept in. Then Liam woke up...with diarrhea. I was already dressed for the gym, ready to drop the older two off at school and Liam at the gym daycare. This is the second time in 2 weeks that Liam has had random episodes of digestive distress. No lack of energy or need to snuggle. Just one, unpleasant symptom. I briefly thought about bringing him anyway, he didn't "seem" sick. But, no, I did the right thing and kept him away from other children. Little did I know how right it was. Instead of being indoors lifting weights and listening to overplayed pop music, I was here, on the waterfront.
Dixie came too
He looks okay..but I'm pretty sure you can't fake diarrhea
Cali came to chase a few shadows
...and I looked REALLY good, too bad Liam ruined the shot
Had I gone to the gym, I wouldn't have had a long, energizing walk on Commencement Bay. I wouldn't have seen the Salmon swim right up to the rocky shore (I have never seen that here - there were even a few that had been cornered by a lab and a golden retriever!). I wouldn't have been able to stay close to home and enjoy my community. I wouldn't have been able to spend time with my son or my dogs. I would have been too tired to go home and go for a bike ride with Liam on the tag-a-long. It all made me think up a very big question:
When I look back at this time in my life, how do I want to remember it?
Mornings spent at the gym or morning like this? Have I scheduled out all of the good, simple moments in life? Scheduled out all room for spontaneity? Maybe I can have both. Maybe I can't, Like I said, it's a big question.
Do you ever second guess the way you spend your time? Or, do you feel you should spend your time differently?