Tuesday, November 1, 2011

There are many times when being the third child really stinks.  You only wear hand me downs, you get dragged around all day running errands, and dropping your brother and sister off at school and activities, your parents are burnt out from years of “playing” so you have to beg your siblings who rarely say yes, you have 4 people to boss you around, and the list goes on.  When Halloween comes around, being the youngest is great.

Just one of the big kids ready for candy 

Liam made out like a bandit this year.  There is NO WAY I would have let Amelia or Jack trick-or-treat until their bags were too heavy to carry.  When Amelia was three, the parties she was invited to served apple slices, pumpkin seeds and milk.  Liam, on the other hand, got in on the big kid’s parties.  Cupcakes, cookies, candy corn,  and soda were featured on the party spreads this weekend.  The tables were eye level and parents were distracted.  It felt pretty good to be the little brother.  Those poor kids from preschool were probably at home painting pumpkins or making leaf rubbings with there enthusiastic parents.  Liam was eating guacamole that had been barfed up from a jack-o-lantern.  He was the coolest  three year old on the block.   Halloween had arrived.

The Booty

Who said being the youngest doesn't have it's rewards?

Are you more lenient with your younger children?

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