Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How do you care for your children when you are sick?

As of midnight, we are back from wonderful vacation and family reunion.  Not yet having adjusted from the time change, my children began waking up at 5AM.  As if that weren't enough of a rude awakening, I woke up with a summer cold and flu type grossness.  Having let the kids indulge in an obscene amount of screen time during out travels, I cannot bare to use that crutch today.  But, being low on energy and high on congestion has left me creatively barren.  My only option left was to plead with my older two to step up and help out. (so far) has worked!

Sometimes I forget how much my loving, considerate, and caring children want to help.  By "help" I am referring to occupying themselves, taking the dog out and feeding themselves.  They really enjoy caring for others and are quite capable.  Of course, they don't mind being asked to be in charge (boss around) their 3 yr. old brother either.  Don't feel bad for Liam, he gets to have his big brother and sister read to him and play with him.  

So, this has worked for me for today.   I am fortunate to have a capable pair of elementary schoolers to help out.  However, preschoolers and infants are very tough to care for when you are sick.   I remember some very long days.

Here is my question for you:  How do you care for you children when you are sick?  Or, how do you make it through the very long day until relief comes?

1 comment:

  1. I think that children Amelia's and jack's ages are amazing in their ability to rise to the occasion when their parents are ill. I think their instincts for caring really kick in. I know that yours did when you were little and your Mom was sick. Perhaps there is something to karma after all.
