Monday, July 11, 2011

Music is a Tool for Travel Success

                                  When the music changes, so does the dance                                                   
                                                                 -African Proverb

Today I started making playlists with the kids for our big trip.  They love doing this, and it is always fun to see what music they pick out.  I have always felt that you can tell so much about a person by the type of music they are drawn to.   Oddly enough, as I type I have a 3 yr. old running through the house singing James Browns "Make it Funky"and a seven year old belting the song "Paris(Ooh La La)" by Grace and the Potter and the Nocturnals.  What does that say about my boys?  Seriously, any guesses?

The past two months my older two have been obsessing over "The Voice".  I am not sure that this show was totally appropriate for a 7 and an 8 year old.  Just letting my kids look at Christina Aguilera felt questionable.  But, I told my self that they didn't catch any of the trashy comments or questionable lyrics.  Jack and Amelia were crazy about the show.  Even though the show has ended, every conversation that we have still somehow circles back to "The Voice".  That said, it will be of no surprise when I let them each choose 3 songs from itunes they chose:  Cee Lo, Vicci, Dia, Maroon 5 and Xenia (I told Jack that he had to "sleep on"his Beverly decision).  

Some old favorites mixed with some new and we have created a pretty compact piece of entertainment.  However, music is great for travel for more then just relieving boredom.  It helps to block out noise, lets you to retreat inward from the claustrophobia of the plane, and lifts your mood (or brings it down depending on your song choice).  Once the plane lands it is still a fantastic tool.  A softer playlist helps children to wind down, while moving to something upbeat will help them to release some built up energy or stress from travel.

It's true, unless you are going backwoods, you will surely have access to the radio or a computer.  Still, bringing a familiar set of songs from home can be very soothing.  Especially, should homesickness or travel anxiety set in.  If you aren't crazy like me don't have time to make multiple playlists for everyone in the family, Pandora is a good friend.  We listen to a lot of pandora in our house.  If you do to, you know that they recycle a lot of songs.  While that may be boring for adults, kids love the repetition.
If you haven't used it before, check it out:

Don't forget to pack some music for yourself.  You don't even have to put and Kindermusik, Raffi or Wiggles on it!

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