Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy Harmonica's

Liam jams with Grandpop

Summertime is perfect for the many joys of the harmonica.  In the dead of winter when all of the windows are shut and the walls are closing in, this may not seem like a desirable addition to your home.    The Summer is a much better fit.   What is more adorable then a toddler playing the harmonica around the camp fire? 

Harmonica’s are a great first instrument for small children.  Without their even knowing it, kids learn so much.  They teach some of the early principles needed for learning woodwind or brass instruments like breath control.  Most children use the instrument to create patterns and explore rhythm.  And, best of all, they are small,  don’t break, are affordable, and are easily cleaned.    

For you local Tacoman’s check out Ted Brown.  Otherwise, they can be found at most large music retailers or online at Amazon.

Happy harmonizing!

1 comment:

  1. Nate adores his harmonicas (I think we own 3 or 4 last count). And so do his therapists because they are so good for learning that breath control.
